Rayner House Care | 3-5 Damson Parkway, Solihull B91 2PP | 0121 705 9293.

  • Legacy & Gifts

Making a Donation or Leaving a Legacy

We are here to help older people and to try to make sure the needs of those who come to us are responded to with consideration, dignity and respect.

From time to time people ask us about making a charitable donation or about leaving something to us in their Will to support what we do. It is increasingly the case that the fees and rents we set can only cover day to day running costs if they are to remain affordable. It is very difficult to put money aside for major refurbishment or development of our facilities. Expectations around care and support are also rising and rightly so. Where we can access other funding sources we do so.

We do not seek donations and bequests. Those who come to us for housing, care or support and their relatives should feel under no obligation to make them.  Under our terms of employment staff are not allowed to accept bequests other than very notional ones. The reasons are obvious in terms of risk of exploitation.

At the same time we appreciate that from time to time some people may wish to recognise and support what we do. Trustees have approved this note setting out ways in which people can support our vision of compassionate caring if minded to do so. We also encourage people to get independent advice first.


Donations & Bequests

Ways in which you can help
Gift Aid

If you are a tax payer [this does not include council tax] you can make a donation under the Government’s “Gift Aid” scheme.

If you do so, we can then reclaim the tax you have paid. At the moment this is 25p of tax on every £1 of the donation you wish to make.

All you have to do is to complete a simple declaration form and it is done.

If you are not a tax payer you can still make a donation but we cannot reclaim the tax.

Gift aid payments will normally be applied to our Development Fund or, on the occasions when we launch them, to the local Appeal for something we need to accomplish.


From time to time local organisations offer to sponsor something we need.

A recent example was new TV and audio facilities. We have also set up a garden fund to help us enhance the landscaping, planting and seating which give people so much pleasure.

Donations are always welcome as are volunteers to help us keep the gardens looking nice.

Donations in Lieu of Flowers

We are always happy to accept donations in lieu of flowers in memory of a loved one. What we do is to pay the money into our “Comfort Funds” controlled by tenants and residents.

These are used for those little extras, outings and entertainments not covered by our charges that add to the enjoyment of life here. A formal letter of appreciation will be given.

Legacies & Bequests

If you are thinking of leaving a gift in your Will, however large or small, it is very important that you get professional advice.

The simplest bequest is usually a cash sum to be used for our charitable objectives. This can be either a set amount or a percentage of your residual estate after other intentions are met. If you would like to talk to us about this then the Business Manager will be pleased to advise.

If not, well it’s a surprise that we will wait for. We cannot accept gifts of furniture. The same applies to pictures. There are all sorts of problems in terms of fire and safety not to mention insurance if they are very valuable. Sometimes we can accept items that are then placed at Auction to raise funds for us.

Again, do talk to us, in confidence, about your thoughts especially if you have a specific purpose in mind for your legacy to us. Finally, before accepting a large bequest we like to be sure the nearest relatives are generally comfortable with this.

For more details, contact our Business Manager
"Dedicated to Caring".

Rayner House Care,
3-5 Damson Parkway,
Solihull B91 2PP.

0121 705 9293

Rayner House and Yew Trees Ltd is an exempt Charitable Registered Society under the Co-Operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 and is also registered with The Homes and Communities Agency No H3182 and the Care Quality Commission.