Rayner House Care | 3-5 Damson Parkway, Solihull B91 2PP | 0121 705 9293.

  • News

Art Class Open for over 60s

Art Class Open for over 60s

Come and join us for art classes for the over 60s, just £3.00 per session.

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Our latest rooms, The Newman Wing

Our latest rooms, The Newman Wing

New Rayner House rooms - work completed.

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Making a Donation or Leaving a Legacy

As a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing the very best standards of care, we do not seek any financial donations, but are always incredibly grateful for them.

Any donations or legacies we receive are invested into our facilities and services so we can continue to offer the highest standards of care at the most affordable prices.

Rayner House Care,
3-5 Damson Parkway,
Solihull B91 2PP.

0121 705 9293

Rayner House and Yew Trees Ltd is an exempt Charitable Registered Society under the Co-Operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 and is also registered with The Homes and Communities Agency No H3182 and the Care Quality Commission.